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Connecting you to all the right—and rich—people.
(As featured in Mens Fitness – September 8, 2014)
Written by: Maggie Parker

It really is all about who you know, and Demetri Argyropoulos is a prime example of that. As the founder and CEO of Prima Worldwide—an advisory business, a holding company, and a venture origination business—Demetri is the ultimate networker. He knows pretty much every millionaire and billionaire in the world, and he can introduce you to them—but only if he deems it a big enough opportunity. His job is to seek out new clients and businesses to work with, build those relationships, and connect them to the right people and resources.

“I focus on creating fewer, bigger opportunities and saying no to small- and medium-sized opportunities,” Demetri says, a discipline he thinks other businessmen should practice. That basically means your company needs to be the next Amazon or Facebook to be considered by Prima Worldwide. Just take a look at his past clients: Twitter, RedBull, and Clinton Global Initiative. Pretty intimidating. At the moment, his company is in the process of selling a $100 million-plus oil shale gasland to one of his billionaire clients, a relationship he spent years building.

So how’s Demetri changing the business industry? By basically taking old-school networking and giving it a 100-million dollar makeover. “Relationships are the most valuable resource in business, built by trust,” Demetri notes. “When in the history of the world have startups been working so closely with Fortune 500 companies except for now?”

FIT FACT: “I’m going 400 mph every day, so I start it off working out. I work out 5 to 6 times a week and I hike regularly on the off days. Fitness is the fundamental glue in my success. I regularly invite my partners and clients to come to my training sessions—or use my trainer when I am traveling.”

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